Black Tail Mountain Watermelon

Black Tail Mountain Watermelon



Citrullus lanatus

Bred by Glenn Drowns while he lived in northern Idaho in the 1970s. Impressively productive plants are tolerant of cool nighttime temperatures. Round 6-10 lb. dark green melons have candy sweet red flesh. Perfect for cool short seasons and small gardens. 70 days.

Start indoors no more than 4 weeks before the last spring frost. Sow one or two seeds into 2" cells or 3" pots. Germination is very fast at 70°F in bright light. Thin to one plant per cell or pot. Keep warm in bright light and fertilize weekly with dilute fish emulsion. Carefully transplant into warm fertile soil without disturbing roots. Mulch heavily and water frequently until established.

Packet contains 30 seeds.

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