Fairy Bouquet

Fairy Bouquet



Linaria maroccana

These charming little plants produce a flurry of pretty snapdragon flowers in a playful rainbow of colors. Grows to just 1’ or so. Best grown en masse. Loves sun and will bloom all season given rich moist soil. Where winters are mild, these seeds may be sown outdoors in autumn and will frequently self-sow. Unlike most annuals, these plants actually prefer to be crowded. Makes a wonderful companion in the Brassica bed and amongst perennial onions like Garlic Chives and Welsh Onions.

Though these seeds can be sown directly into the garden in spring, we prefer to start them indoors around 6-8 weeks before the last spring frost: sprinkle seeds onto moist soil, press gently and mist carefully. Cover with plastic to maintain moisture. Kept warm (about 70°F) in bright light, seeds typically germinate in about two weeks. Avoid excessive heat. Once sprouted, remove the plastic and allow to grow on at cool room temperature in bright light. Don’t worry too much about thinning seedlings, as one 3” pot can host around a dozen plants. Harden off and transplant into the garden once all danger of frost has passed. Water generously until established, and mulch where summers are hot.

Packet contains around 1000 seeds.

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