Sweet White African Eggplant

Sweet White African Eggplant



Solanum aethiopicum

Perfect curry vegetables matter. Substantial nutritious vegetables that absorb flavor rather than contribute flavor are of utmost importance in the vegetarian kitchen. African eggplants are typically bitter, not only by default but also by design. It can be a wanted attribute, even a preferred one. But these eggplants, which look very much like their common bitter brethren, are not bitter at all. Known as ngogwe si chungu, they are actually sweet.

Harvest these eggplants for eating when they are pure white and unripe. Texture is silky and firm and holds up to cooking. The mature orange fruit are unpalatable and seedy. In many countries, including Nigeria, Cameroon and Uganda, the blanched leaves are valued nutritious greens. Juice and tincture of fresh leaves are employed as medicine. Plants are vigorous and productive enough to host harvests of both leaves and fruit over a long season.

These plants are huge. Even in cool damp conditions bushes can grow to 5' high and 3' wide. They do not require support. Each plant produces tons of fruit, beginning around 70 days after transplant and continuing until frost. Completely unbothered by pests and disease here in the Hudson Valley.

Sow indoors with the peppers, around 8-10 weeks before the last spring frost. Tuck seeds just below the surface of moist soil, pressing to keep seed snug. Mist generously with warm water and cover with plastic. Kept warm (around 80°F) and moist in bright light, seeds germinate in around two weeks. If night temperatures are cool they may take much longer. Prick out seedlings with true leaves to grow on in individual deep 3" pots at warm temperatures in bright light. Transplant into larger containers as necessary. Harden off carefully before transplanting into warm fertile soil in full sun once all danger of frost has passed. Space generously, at least 2' apart. Mulch heavily with grass to maintain moisture and limit weeds.

Highly recommended. By far the most impressive and productive selection of this species that we have ever encountered, with a flavor that our American palates can appreciate. And perfect for curry.

Grown by Farmacie Isolde

Packet contains at least 30 seeds.

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