Orange Currant Tomato

Orange Currant Tomato



Solanum pimpinellifolium


This plant will produce hundreds of delicious dime-sized orange tomatoes on big sprawling indeterminate plants that refuse to be tamed. Trellis, but do not attempt to prune. Sweet and fruity, these tiny tomatoes have relatively thick skin that does not split. Will hold on and off the plant for weeks. Fruit sets early, 60-70 days from transplant.

This species of tomato is easy to germinate, but will frequently require more time to do so, especially if temperatures are below 70°F. They love the heat, and even after germination won't take off until grown outdoors in warm weather. Start them at least two weeks earlier than Solanum lycopersicum.

Too much water and fertilizer will lead to watery, insipid tomatoes. Soil should be amended with bone meal, kelp, azomite, and any amendments necessary to increase drainage. Mulch transplants heavily with grass clippings to prevent soil splashing onto leaves. Prune any low-hanging branches at the stem. Water regularly and use an organic fish-based fertilizer weekly JUST UNTIL ESTABLISHED. Unless you're growing them in a container it is best to make tomatoes suffer. As long as they're well-mulched, plants shouldn't need more than a big drink once a week. Currant tomatoes, especially, will thrive on neglect.

For seed-saving purposes, be sure to keep currant tomatoes separate from other tomatoes. Cage and trellis currant tomatoes, but be aware that they will resist any attempts to maintain garden decorum.

Packet contains at least 20 seeds.

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