Ghost Pepper

Ghost Pepper



Capsicum chinense

Also known as Bhut Jolokia. Formerly one of the hottest known peppers, Ghost peppers now seem quite mild in comparison to many of the so-called “superhots". Still, the average Ghost pepper has around 1,000,000 SHU. Caution is advised.

Flavor of fresh ripe red pods is excellent. These peppers make fantastic hot sauce, but take care to avoid preparing these peppers with bare hands. Even eye protection is recommended. Raw sauces have a delicious sweet flavor and intense slow burning heat. Roasted or smoked Ghost peppers have a softer, darker flavor and are a nice addition to ketchup or barbeque sauces. Yellowbird Ghost Pepper sauce is an excellent example.

Start these seeds indoors. Tuck seeds just beneath the surface of moist soil, pressing to keep seed snug. Mist generously with warm water and cover with plastic. Use a heat mat and grow lights to maintain a constant temperature of at least 80°F. Kept warm and moist in bright light seeds may begin to germinate in 2-3 weeks. These seeds can be very slow indeed to germinate, even in ideal conditions. Once germinated plants have true leaves, prick out to grow on in individual 3" pots of rich soil in bright light and warm temperatures. Amending potting soil with azomite and bone meal is highly recommended. Fertlize weekly with dilute fish and/or seaweed emulsion. Transplant into successively larger containers as necessary. Harden off carefully before placing in a warm sunny location outdoors. Protect from cool night temperatures.

If started early, plants will typically produce at least few pods by autumn, even where summers are less than tropical. True perennials, these plants should be grown in a container, pruned as necessary, and overwintered indoors. They will often produce pods through the winter if given enough light and warmth. Expect a huge crop of pods from happy plants in the second year.

Packet contains at least 10 seeds.

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