Black Krim Tomato

Black Krim Tomato



Solanum lycopersicum


Heirloom black slicer with rich salty sweet meaty flavor. Vegan bacon, basically. Tall indeterminate plants. Easily our favorite of the “blacks", and easier and more productive in a cool summer than Cherokee Purple. Available virtually everywhere at this point, but a legion of new gardeners has inspired us to offer certified organic selections of our old favorites.

Start tomato seeds indoors, about 6-8 weeks before the last spring frost. Sow seeds just below surface of moist soil, pressing to keep seeds snug. Mist generously with warm water and cover with plastic to maintain moisture and temperature. Kept warm (around 70°F) in bright light, seeds will begin to germinate in about a week. Uncover promptly. Prick out seedlings once they have true leaves and transplant into individual 3" pots to grow on at warm room temperature in bright light. Water from the bottom and allow soil to dry out a bit between waterings. Fertilize weekly with dilute fish and seaweed emulsion.

Harden off thoroughly and transplant into warm garden soil after all danger of frost has passed. Amend soil with seaweed, azomite, and fish bone meal if your conscience allows. Plant seedlings as deeply as possible, removing lower branches on leggy plants. Mulch with lots of grass to keep soil from splashing on plants. As plants grow, prune lower branches as necessary to keep them from touching the ground. Cage, stake or trellis once stems have become strong and sturdy. Staking too early will result in weak plants.

Water tomato plants just until established. Overwatering, during fruiting especially, will result in insipid watery tomatoes. Make tomato plants suffer. Their roots will grow deep and you'll be rewarded with richly flavored fruits.

If you are growing tomato plants in a container or raised bed on a solid substrate, you must water and fertilize regularly. Avoid nitrogen-based fertlizers.

Black Krim plants are tall and gangly and are best contained using a Florida weave or slender 6' cage. Not recommended for containers.

Packet contains at least 20 seeds.

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