Biquinho Amarelo

Biquinho Amarelo



Capsicum chinense

These little beaked yellow peppers are mild, just 1,000 SHU, and have a very unusual sweet flavor that makes them an excellent candidate for pickles. Tiny glowing fruits look incredible packed in a jar and on a crudités platter.

Plants are relatively small, with an open vase habit. Precocious and prolific in a hot summer. Suitable for containers. An excellent selection for a child’s garden, even if they never eat any of the peppers. Plants are very charming to look at when laden with little fruits.

Start indoors 8-10 weeks before the last spring frost. Tuck seeds just beneath the surface of moist soil, pressing to keep seeds snug. Mist generously with warm water and cover with plastic to maintain moisture and temperature. Kept warm (around 80°F) and moist in bright light, seeds will germinate in within two weeks or so. Cool night temperatures will significantly delay germination. Use a heat mat and leave lights on 24/7 if necessary. Prick out seedlings with true leaves to grow on in individual containers in bright light at warm temperatures. Fertilize weekly with dilute fish and/or seaweed emulsion. Harden off and transplant into warm garden soil when all danger of frost has passed.

Biquinho peppers are suitable for growing in containers on the patio or balcony garden. Harden off potted plants as soon as daytime temperatures are nearing 70°F. Bring container indoors at night. Young plants that are exposed to cold temperatures may have perpetually stunted growth. Water potted plants frequently, fertilizing with dilute fish and seaweed extracts every two weeks or so.

Aphids will attack these plants, more so than any other C. chinense that we've grown. Hose off potted plants before bringing indoors. Use neem extract if necessary on potted plants only, never in the garden. Defoliated plants do tend to recover. Don't panic.

Packet contains at least 20 seeds.

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