Golden Currant

Golden Currant



Ribes aureum

Beautiful deciduous shrub native to North America. Edible yellow flowers are filled with sweet nectar and frequently have an incredible sweet and spicy fragrance reminiscent of vanilla and cloves.

Ripe fruits are black and edible and make an excellent syrup or jelly. Also known as Buffalo Currants, these berries were a common foodstuff of Native Americans and frequently the fruit of choice for pemmican amongst the tribes of the Great Plains.

Extremely hardy shrubs grow to just 5'. Seeds require stratification to germinate: sow seeds into moist soil and place outdoors in a sheltered area no later than January. Sown seeds may also be refrigerated for 8 weeks before being returned to cool room temperature and bright light. Seeds seem to germinate best after several freeze and thaw cycles outdoors. Stragglers will germinate over the course of several months and even years. Plant several seedlings in a hedgerow to ensure pollination.

Drought-tolerant once established, though significantly more ornamental in moist fertile soils.

Packet contains at least 50 seeds.

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