Evening Primrose

Evening Primrose



Oenothera biennis

This beautiful biennial species is native to North America and was valued as both vegetable and medicinal by diverse indigenous tribes. It is extraordinarily hardy, surviving winter temperatures as cold as -40°F. All parts of these plants are edible and nutritious, and the seeds in particular are rich in unique fatty acids. These seeds are from plants grown for pharmacological purposes in Europe and will feature seeds that ripen earlier and more uniformly than common selections.

Evening Primrose prefers full sun and good drainage, but is otherwise very adaptable and easy. Its native range extends through all of Canada to Florida and Northern Mexico.

Sow seeds directly into the garden in early spring while soils and nights are still quite cold. Seeds will begin to germinate as soils warm. Thin seedlings to at least 1' apart. Plants produce a large rosette of rough leaves in the first year and dramatic 3'-5' flowering stems in the second year. Yellow flowers are fragrant and edible and open in the evenings, attracting hawkmoths and other crepuscular creatures. For flowers in the first year, seeds may be started in deep flats during the winter and transplanted in spring. Seeds germinate best with some stratification.

Roots are large and starchy and may be boiled or roasted like potatoes. The young greens may be boiled and drained and cooked like spinach or amaranth. New tender stems may be peeled and eaten raw or cooked. The flower buds, petals and seeds are all edible. The seeds are tiny indeed but a single plant can produce many tens of thousands of them. Whole plants may be used for tea, tincture or poultice.

Perfect for permaculture, this species will sow itself in perpetuity. Seeds can remain viable in the soil for decades. Once you have this species in your garden, you will always have it, so plant mindfully.

Packet contains at least 500 seeds.

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