Giant Fennel

Giant Fennel



Ferulago sylvatica

An architectural wonder from the Carpathians, this massive umbellifer towers above almost everything else in the garden. Attractive mounds of finely dissected ferny foliage produce long strong stems and broad blooms in bright yellow. Beloved by all manner of bees and butterflies and botanically curious humans. An excellent companion for Tartarian Aster.

These seeds germinate best indoors with warm-cold-cool stratification. We prefer to pot up the seeds and place the pot in a sheltered location outdoors to overwinter and germinate in spring. Keep out of direct sunlight until well-rooted. In its native habitat this species is an understory plant, but in the garden it performs best with rich moist soil in sun or part sun. Will self-sow where it is happy.

Various seedsfolk offer this species and the descriptions vary significantly. Taxonomically, the Ferula-Ferulago complex is vast and poorly ordered and for all I know this may be another species altogether. Our source list it as F. sylvatica and so shall we. Though it is colloquially known as fennel, it has no edible nor medicinal uses that we are aware of. The tough stems are often described as having been dried and used for the purpose of corporal punishment, so there is that.

Packet contains at least 15 seeds.

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