Carosello Mezzo Lungo

Carosello Mezzo Lungo



Cucumis melo var. flexuosus

Botanically melons, these woolly little cucumbers are firm and crisp with tender skin that doesn't need to be peeled. Adorable soft fuzz prevents skin from drying out. Remove easily by gently rubbing just before eating. Considered superior to most typical garden cucumbers. Never bitter and even quite sweet if not harvested promptly.

Carosello Mezzo Lungo sets fruit 50 days from sowing or transplanting. Pick fruits when no more than 6". Best for salads and for eating out of hand. Not suitable for pickles, unless you like very squishy pickles.

Traditional vegetable of the Polignano region of Italy. Resistant to powdery mildew. Tolerant of partial shade. Productive.

Start seeds indoors on or around the date of the last frost: sow seeds 1/4" below surface of moist soil; press to keep seed snug and mist with warm water; cover with plastic to maintain moisture and temperature; kept warm (75°-80°F) and moist in bright light, seeds will usually germinate within a few days. Prick out seedlings to grow on in individual containers. Grow on in bright light at warm room temperature and harden off before planting outdoors, when soil has thoroughly warmed (65°F).

Fruits are set on fairly compact vines that may be trellised or allowed to sprawl over a low a-frame. Amend soil thoroughly with compost and kelp meal. Fertilize with seaweed extract when transplanting. Mulch with additional compost, then grass or straw to within an inch or two of the stem to stop soil splashing onto the plant. Water thoroughly and frequently.

Italian seed.

Packet contains at least 15 seeds.

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