



Porophyllum tagetoides

Extraordinary culinary herb, native to Mexico. Similar to Papalo, but with fine narrow leaves like Tarragon. The flavor is impossible to describe accurately, being simultaneously acrid and sweet, with notes of lemon, anise, marigold and mint. It is an explosion of flavor that brightens everything it touches.

Adapted to hot and dry desert climates, young Pepicha cannot tolerate freezing temperatures. Do not sow or transplant outdoors until temperatures remain above 55°F. If you're a fan of cilantro, you may find that Pepicha is a suitable substitute where summer temperatures are too hot to grow cilantro. Multiple harvests can be had throughout the summer, and just a few plants are more than enough for most gardeners.

Freshly harvested seeds can be challenging to germinate, but are responsive to treatment with Gibberellic acid (though we don’t necessarily recommend this course). Avoid excessive heat. The seeds will remain viable for years to come and become easier and easier to germinate.

Start Pepicha seeds indoors around 4-6 weeks before the last spring frost: Sow seeds onto moist well-drained soil, just barely sprinkle with fine vermiculite if you want to, and press gently to keep seed snug. Mist generously and cover with plastic to maintain moisture and warmth. Kept at a consistent temperature of 80°F, germination should begin within a week or two. Germination can be erratic, so be patient and wait for stragglers! Older seed germinates faster and more reliably. Prick out seedlings and transplant to individual pots or cells. Take care to keep seedlings warm and in bright light. Do not overwater. Seedlings may be pinched to encourage branching once they have several sets of true leaves, but in the long term the plants will branch on their own.

Transplant outdoors into full sun and well-drained soil when danger of frost has long past.

Packet contains at least 50 seeds.

Pictured are potted Tagetes filifolia, Solanum peruvianum, Pepicha, and a very compact selection of Cherokee Tiger Dwarf Tomato.

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