Habek Mint

Habek Mint



Mentha longifolia

Native to Eurasia and common to many Middle Eastern cuisines, this mint seems to be only rarely grown in the Americas. As the species epithet would suggest, leaves are long indeed, as well as soft and silvery. Fragrance in the garden is fantastic, and includes notes of pulegone and camphor. The dried leaves of this species flavor traditional tabbouleh and they make a very nice tea for upset tummies.

An unusually large mint, these plants can grow to around 3' in bloom, and should be planted far from the garden proper to prevent them overtaking it. Ideal for expansive natural landscaping and permaculture. Loves moisture, and is very happy alongside streams and ponds. Growth will be much less aggressive in dry soils. Suburban gardeners should keep these plants potted.

Hardy to at least zone 5.

Packet contains at least 100 seeds.

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