Chilean Glory Vine

Chilean Glory Vine



Eccremocarpus scaber

Perennial in its native range, Chilean Glory Vine can be grown like an annual in most climates with warm summers. It is especially happy on south-facing walls and chimneys, and will quickly cover a fence in a hot Midwestern summer. Gorgeous tubular flowers in various shades of orange bloom until the first frost. A nice alternative to the invasive Trumpet Vine.

Start seeds early, at least 10 weeks or so before the last frost. Press several seeds onto moist soil and do not cover as seed needs light to germinate. Mist generously and cover with plastic to maintain moisture. Kept moist in bright light at around 60°F some seeds should germinate in two to four weeks. Germination is erratic and may continue for up to eight weeks, although we typically get at least a few seedlings within a few weeks, and that's plenty.

Prick out seedlings once they have two sets of true leaves and transplant to deep 6" pots to grow on at warm room temperature and bright light. Harden off and transplant to the garden when soil temperature is around 65°F and all danger of frost has passed. Glory Vines grow very fast in full sun and hot weather and will require support. It will self-sow in mild winter climates. Collect and save seed in the north.

Packet contains at least 50 seeds.

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