Afternoon Lemonade Marigold

Afternoon Lemonade Marigold



Tagetes erecta

This ubiquitous and beautiful species is native to Mesoamerica, although it is frequently listed as African for some reason. Universally beloved as a garden ornamental, the past several decades have seen this species bred and selected to be short and appropriate for unimaginative bedding purposes. But the real deal has maintained a loyal following, as evidenced by the availability of 'Crackerjack' in every grocery and hardware store in the country. These tall sturdy plants are fairly impervious to pests and weather and bloom all season without deadheading. They are an ideal companion in the vegetable garden.

Afternoon Lemonade was selected by Frank Morton and we have absolutely loved having it in our gardens these past two years. Sturdy plants grow to 3' and produce tons of bouffant lemon yellow flowers that absolutely glow in the crepuscular hours. Makes fabulously flouncy garlands and bouquets. Petals are edible and may be dried and powdered for use as a natural food coloring. The scent is powerful and tenacious but sweeter and less resinous than other selections of this species.

In Mexico these flowers are known as cempasúchil, or flor de muertos. The Florentine Codex documents ceremonial use of this species by the Aztecs in commemorating their dead. Modern tradition sees thousands of these flowers adorning elaborate altars during the Día de los Muertos.

Though they can be sown directly into warm garden soil, we start these seeds indoors around six weeks before the last spring frost. Press seeds into moist soil and just cover with fine vermiculite. Press gently and mist generously. Cover with plastic to maintain moisture and temperature. Kept warm in bright light seeds will begin to germinate within a week or two. Prick out seedlings to grow on in individual cells in bright light at warm room temperature. Harden off before transplanting into warm garden soil in full sun once all danger of frost has passed. Best in fertile but well-drained soils. Flower farmers should note that petals will be marred by overhead watering as well as misty mornings. The cut flowers stripped of leaves hold for a very long time indeed. The fragrant foliage makes for a nice pest-repellant mulch in the vegetable garden.

Grown by Farmacie Isolde.

Packet contains at least 50 seeds.

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